Sunday, January 31, 2010

Taken For Granted: WATER and City Services

Earlier this week around 7 AM as I was doing the dishes, the water from the faucet became weaker and weaker until it stopped completely. I wondered if it was something wrong at my home or a bigger problem? I dialed 311 and without delay spoke with a very helpful operator. She said nothing had been reported in my area except a leaking fire hydrant a couple blocks away. She took my address and phone number to report the problem.

Within 20 minutes I was called back notifying me that there was a broken water main in my neighborhood and the water had been shut off. It was being repaired and I could expect water service to resume in about 6 hours.

City government agencies, including the Los Angeles Fire Department have worked together to develop a Citywide Services Directory and a single toll-free phone number to contact City of Los Angeles officials for any non-emergency public service: 3-1-1

Later that morning on our walk, Wilson and I discovered the source of the problem.

The culprit.

I love this: A neighbor went to Starbucks to buy the workers some coffee drinks. (See lower left of photo).

Los Angeles Department of Water and Power

Later that afternoon, all fixed, almost like there was never a problem, just a patch and some signs. As I let the water run through my faucets to clear out the air, I thought of the situation of the people in Haiti and how fortunate we are here. What I had taken for granted: WATER and the services provided by this great City of Los Angeles (even with all its faults). And as I am well aware that we pay for these services, I am actually grateful for that too.

My link and Help Haiti here: Food For The Poor

1 comment:

  1. Amen! We had a similar experience recently with gas - So Cal Gas Co was out there working in the middle of the night to set it all right, tested all the services in the house (heater, stovetop, water heater) to make sure it was all OK before leaving. Amazing.


So nice to hear from you!

Warm regards,
Lori Lynn