Monday, May 10, 2010


In 1948, the first In-N-Out Burger was founded by Harry and Esther Snyder in Baldwin Park. Harry's idea of a drive-thru hamburger stand where customers could order through a two-way speaker box was quite unique. In that era, it was common to see carhops serving those who wanted to order food from their car. Harry's idea caught on and California's first drive-thru hamburger stand was born.

In addition to drive-thru's, In-N-Out now serves their burgers from big shiny rigs called Cookout Trailers! It is only fitting that on Flat Stanley's visit to California, he samples our favorite burger and meets the In-N-Out Associates.

Flat Stanley helps cook the burgers.

The In-N-Out Burger 18-wheeler.

Flat Stanley serves a Coke.

Thank you to the In-N-Out Associates! You are the best!

My nephew Stone's second grade class has just finished reading the book Flat Stanley by Jeff Brown. In the story, Stanley is flattened, but not hurt, when a bulletin board falls on top of him. His parents, Mr. & Mrs. Lambchop, send him on a vacation (in an envelope) to visit relatives.

Each student in Stone's class has chosen a friend or relative to entertain Flat Stanley on another trip. Stone chose me! I was instructed to dress Stanley in a way to reflect his visit to Los Angeles, so we borrowed Kobe Bryant's Laker uniform! Now Stanley is ready to explore San Pedro, Los Angeles, and the Port.

In a few weeks he will return to Chicago (in an envelope) with photos and a journal of his trip. Stone's class will mark each location that Stanley has visited on a world map. They are excited to see the places where Stanley Lambchop went on his globetrotting adventure!


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So nice to hear from you!

Warm regards,
Lori Lynn