Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Plants at the Park

Achillea millefolium

Achillea is named after the Achilles of ancient Greek mythology, who was supposedly the first to discover its many virtues.

22nd Street Park

-500 Trees, including: Coobah Willow Acacia, Flooded Gum, Australian Tea Tree, New Zealand Christmas Tree and lilac Melaleuca
-1,700 shrubs, including: Brewer Saltbush, Bull Clover, California Sealavender, Yellowray Goldfields and Carpet Acacia

Environmental Features
-Use of recycled water for landscaping maintenance (“purple pipe”)
-Bioswales used for stormwater management
-Use of drought tolerant plants
-Brownfield site was redeveloped into a public open space with water views

(more park info at

1 comment:

  1. That's a lot of plants! So nice that they are counted.

    Hey Lori, bet you can make a great fondue. My amigos carried the cheese mixture in a vacuum bag all the way from the motherhouse in canton Neuchatel.


So nice to hear from you!

Warm regards,
Lori Lynn